Children’s Health Defense
Defend your fundamental rights.

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Dear friend,

The World Health Organization (WHO) is preparing amendments to the 2005 International Health Regulations. This legally binding international agreement would give the WHO unprecedented power over national-level governments – and override national sovereignty.

The proposed amendments will also transfer the management of every state's public health response during anything the WHO deems a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). If adopted, the amendment(s) would surrender future U.S. and global public health emergency authority to the WHO Director-General (D-G).

We all need to encourage our local, state and federal leaders to speak up now to halt this massive power grab and reject the IHR amendments, which would turn the WHO into an unelected global government. The World Health Assembly (WHA), “the decision-making body of the WHO,” convenes May 21 to May 30 – and may implement changes during this meeting period.

The proposed amendments to the IHR (agreement) stand to:

  • Remove the existing IHR language granting “full respect for the dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of persons.” They are actively attempting to eliminate “dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms” from the IHR amendments.
  • Change IHR recommendations from “non-binding” to legally binding such that all member countries must obey and implement them.
  • Create requirements for digital vaccine passports that will be used to restrict access and travel as the WHO sees fit.
  • Require surveillance of online information and suppression of information deemed misinformation and disinformation.
  • Coerce extreme lockdown measures, including creating “quarantine of suspect travelers, preferably in facilities away from the point of entry," aka “quarantine camps” seen during the COVID-19 pandemic in China and elsewhere.
  • Allow the WHO D-G to declare an emergency at will.
  • Require nations to use certain medications while prohibiting the use of others during emergencies.
  • Allow the WHO to commandeer medical supplies in any country, transfer them to other countries, and evade laws on intellectual property.

With one click, you can tell local, state and federal leaders that they must speak up and voice opposition to avoid losing their power to manage public health emergencies.

We are urging our state lawmakers to put protections in place to challenge any edicts coming down from the WHO in the name of public health.

We are also calling on our federal legislators to support H.R. 79, The WHO Withdrawal Act, to protect against this imminent massive power grab at the hands of WHO.

Urge the President to STOP the negotiations for the proposed amendments to the IHR to protect national sovereignty and not hand over our nation’s public health authority to the WHO.

Thank you for taking action and sharing this alert during this crucial, historical moment.


The Team at Children’s Health Defense